Gotsta Have Tunage...


Here's JM and his buddy Justin working on putting a new Pioneer cd deck in his truck. And, since my b-day was right around the same time as this, I went ahead and got ME a new Pioneer cd deck for the Camaro. Rock on, dude.

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Harvest Moon


Here's some pics of the harvest moon from the back yard a few nights ago. The clear night made it very nice.

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Also, thanks to Wikipedia, here's a little tidbit of info on what a harvest moon is....

The Harvest Moon is the full moon nearest to the autumnal equinox, which occurs (in the northern hemisphere) on or about September 23rd, and in the southern hemisphere on or about March 21st. Its physical characteristics - rising time, path across the sky - are similar to those of the Hunter's moon.

All full moons have their own special characteristics based primarily on the whereabouts of the ecliptic in the sky at the time of year that these moons are visible. The full moons of September, October and November as seen from the northern hemisphere - which correspond to the full moons of March, April and May as seen from the southern hemisphere - are well known in the folklore of the sky. All full moons rise around the time of sunset. However, although in general the moon rises about 50 minutes later each day, as it moves in orbit around Earth, the Harvest Moon and Hunter's Moon are special, because around the time of these full moons, the time difference between moonrise on successive evenings is shorter than usual. In other words, the moon rises approximately 30 minutes later, from one night to the next, as seen from about 40 degrees N. or S. latitude, for several evenings around the full Hunter's or Harvest Moons. Thus there is no long period of darkness between sunset and moonrise around the time following these full moons. In times past this feature of these autumn moons was said to help farmers working to bring in their crops (or, in the case of the Hunter's Moon, hunters tracking their prey). They could continue being productive by moonlight even after the sun had set. Hence the name Harvest (or Hunter's) Moon.

The reason for the shorter-than-usual rising time between successive moonrises around the time of the Harvest and Hunter's Moon is that the ecliptic - or plane of Earth's orbit around the sun - makes a narrow angle with respect to the horizon in the evening in autumn.

The Harvest Moon can come before or after the autumnal equinox. It is simply the full moon closest to that equinox. About once every four years it occurs in October, depending on the cycles of the moon. Currently, the latest the Harvest Moon can occur is on October 8. Between 1900 and 2010 the Harvest Moon falls on October 7 in 1930, 1949, 1987, 2006, and on October 8 in 1911.

Many cultures celebrate with gatherings, festivals, and rituals that are intricately attuned to the Harvest Moon or Hunter's Moon.

It is claimed by some that the Harvest Moon seems to be somehow bigger or brighter or yellower in color than other full moons. This is an illusion. The yellow or golden or orangish or reddish color of the moon shortly after it rises is a physical effect, which stems from the fact that, when you see the moon low in the sky, you are looking at it through a greater amount of atmosphere than when the moon is overhead. The atmosphere scatters the bluish component of white moonlight (which is really reflected sunlight) but allows the reddish component of the light to travel a straighter path to your eyes. Hence all moons (and stars and planets) look reddish when they are low in the sky.

As for the large size of a full moon when seen low in the sky, it is true that the human eye sees a low hanging moon as being larger than one that rides high in the sky. This is known as a Moon Illusion and can be seen with any full moon. It can also be seen with constellations; in other words, a constellation viewed low in the sky will appear bigger than when it is high in the sky.
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Back In Business


Me & Maw on top of Chimney Rock
Looks like we have everything back in place. I even upgraded a few things and got some ideas for other stuff. Anyway, as boring as it is, I have fun doing this blog, so at least come back once in a blue moon to say "hi"

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Burn it all!


I've managed to fix the blog....then, whilst making some other additions to the sidebar, I accidentally deleted part of the freakin' template! Which means, that most of the little gadgets that were there are now all gone. Crap. Fortunately I did have a backup of the template (from a few months ago) but the things I added since then aren't there. SO...I'll be putting dorky gadgets back into the sidebar as time goes.

I'm glad this blog isn't life or death because I'm afraid we'd be on life support by now. :-)
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Back Up And Goin' - YIPPEEE (I have no life)


Looks like I was able to figure out the layout problem (by luck, of course). Trial and error, that's how I learn :-)
If your a BECKETT BLOGGER TEMPLATE user and have had the same problem and ended up here from searching on how to fix your blog too,......good freakin'luck. Naw, just kidding. Just leave a comment and I'll be glad to pass on the changes you'll need to do to the template to make it work again.

Anyway, we'll talk to everyone soon.
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Blogger Template Issues


Hi folks. You are probably wondering why the blog is looking so..well, so bland. Well, it seems as though there are some technical difficulties happening with the blogger template. I'm not sure what it is yet, but you bet I'll find out. If I can't fix it, then you might be coming here to see a new layout/background. I don't know yet, but we'll see how it all works.

Thanks anyway for stopping by and keep checking back. We will return to normal operation soon, lol.

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What Do You Call These Again?


Ok, not trying to be old fart-like too much here, but after celebrating 40 years on this earth (in which went by and I'm still alive :-) ), my bro-in-law decided to give me a gift, Needless to say, it was very, very nice, and I was quite impressed. Yes, an actual Boston LP with cover and very good shape. Even came in a nice frame. Very cool, and a big "Thanks" Dan for the album. Next thing we'll be collecting is cassette tapes. Question for the fellas: How long will a Van Halen or Bocephus tape last on the dash of your car?.....I actually think they played better after getting a few cig butts crammed inside, and a few cold beers spilled on top of them while their laying in the floor board getting stomped on...full of clay and sand.....and mud...... ahhh
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9/11 - Never Forget


All I can say is please pray for our country and pray for those that are lost. These times are tough, and this is just the beginning. I see is this world steadily spiraling down. Better make sure your getting ready and got your eye's open, 'cause I know God has to be getting about fed up with everything by now.

Click here for actual audio clips from MJ's morning show from that morning There are also other audio clips and pictures. These are chilling to listen to...It's still so sureal. But, you need to pass this on, because I don't think we hear it enough. Instead of whining about the war, how about getting some backbone and get pissed off at why this is all happening in the first place, and quit letting the panty waist politicians and cry-baby media change what you truly believe...and that is that the government owes people NOTHING. How about earning their way instead of being a lazy waist of space and expect me and my hard earned dollars to help them pay their next cable bill. If that is the mentality of most people in our country today (and I hope someone's sorry ass that this applies too happened to stumble upon this blog is reading), then I wish to goodness we could round them up, and send them to IRAN, North Korea....should I say more? *now stepping off my soap box*.

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Tune Of The Day - Sept. 6 (and some other musings)


Sorry folks for not posting much here lately. We've all been busy getting everyone back to school and back into the groove. So far, so good. Jeremy, being a senior and "Mr. Independent", has been fairly easy to handle. Mik started middle school..OMG, this makes me CSG!(if your in the dark, click here for more information about "text codes" - lol) So, things have so far been going good.

I've got some more old pics I want to post again here soon. So that, and whatever comes to mind, will be following soon.

So, in the mean time, here's some Lynyrd Skynyrd - Call Me The Breeze. Enjoy and have a good day!
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