Susan's 40


Lots of work going on and no time to post anything worthy of even reading. What?

Anyway, we recently celebrated Susans 40th bday, and well, I'm now married to an old lady LOL (omg, you better believe I'M JUST KIDDING HA HA)

I've got some pics but I really don't have time to upload them right now because i'm about to head to work. I'll post them up soon.

Have a great day!
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Happy New Year


Ok. I know it's been kinda slow around here lately with the posts and all. Hope everyone had a good Christmas and new year. I know we sure did. I'm still working out some stuff with a new blog look...maybe even a new name and all. I don't know. Just something I feel like doing. It's a hobby thing you know. Anyway, hope all is well with everyone and please keep checking back because I might actually do something with this thing. Whenever I get me one of them ROUNDTUITS.

Got any New Year's resolutions? I know I do. I just got to do them! LOL Hopefully this year will be better than last year, because after looking back, with the economy and everything else that pisses me off about this world, it kinda sucked.

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