Believe it or not, we've been busy around here...


Really, there have been a ton things happening here...end of school programs, getting ready for a high school graduation, friends' gradutions, etc. But, we are still here, and living the crazy life.

Saturday, we had a graduation bash for Jeremy. Everyone had a big time. Here's some pics from the party..

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Could I Have Some Napkins, Please?


Here's a funny as crap spoof on the new Burger King commercial done by MJ and crew. Had to laugh.

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Where Are They Now?


This is too funny...

Recognize anyone?
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Thunderbird Watching


Just hanging around the back yard, minding my own businss and the all of a sudden this loud noise comes out of nowhere, and I look up and there I see a couple of fast US Thunderbird fighter jets doing a fly by. These things are absolutely amazing. Actually, the Sun-n-fun was going on and the Thunderbirds were part of the show. These were about the best pictures I could get because they were just going to dang fast.

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Pictures From The Relay


Here's some pictures from the recent Mulberry Relay For Life. Everyone had a super time, and it was a huge success. The Relay managed to raise $75,000 for cancer research. WOW! Thanks for all the support.

Mik and Co.
Relay Crowd
Ladder Truck & The US Flag
The Campsite
Cancer Survivors
Grammie, Mik, and Dad Miller
Danny, Sambo, and Cheryl
Rest In Peace, Alyson
Michelle (Michael). Ok, he dressed up for a competition to win a cordless drill, but he came in 3rd.
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