Woah....We're Still Alive


Dang. This must be the longest in-betweens for posting here! Gosh, can't keep doing that, but there has been a lot of activity going on around the Miller homestead. We have been dealing with getting the new year into gear, in which has taken all of our time. Plus, as with everyone, we have been concerned and trying our best to get ready and prepare for tougher times - the economy is in the tank, and I have zero faith in our government (that's a whole 'nuther blog). Plus, all the plants are dead, and my sinuses are whacked out...we desperately need some freakin' rain!

Anyway, hope all is well. Just a few pics to post. And, I'm still trying working on making some changes to the blog, but I just haven't had the time to mess with it much.

Stay tuned....

Downtown Lakeland
Hangin out by the Q105 van
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