Kids Say The Funniest Things..


I'm sure ya'll have seen these virals on YouTube. I just thought I'd share them here 'cause they are so funny.

Here's the kid saying something about 'bloohud'..and he gets pretty hacked that no one seems to care :-)

And of course...I'm gonna kick your 'ask'

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Random Post


Believe it or not, there just hasn't been much lately to post. We have been busy with school, work, life... yes, believe it or not, I don't always have too much time on my hands :-). So, here's just some random stuff...just to let ya'll know we are still alive.

How 'bout chillin with Bocephus!

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Monkeys That Scream...And Fly!


This is something you won't find at a zoo...flying, screaming monkeys! A 2+ day WootOff, and all I ended up getting was these two Screaming Monkeys! Actually, they are pretty cool, and we all got a big laugh out of them. Here they are hanging out at the Banana Bar.
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Spring Showers


Spring has sprung, and we have had some awesome afternoon rains come through here lately..kinda like summertime. Here's a few pics from around our house after a recent storm.

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