Having A Wonderful Christmas Time...


Hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas Holidays. I know we have and are looking forward to 2008!

Here's one of my favorite Christmas ornaments.
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Tunes For Christmas


Here's some great Christmas tunes for your enjoyment - straight from Miller's music library. Enjoy!

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Classic Cars - Can't Get Enough


A few pics from a recent car/craft show in downtown Bartow. The only thing I didn't like was that there were no Cutlass's there! Bummer!

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Mik's Bday - THE BIG 13!


A girl turning 13, and all she really wanted was her peeps to come over and party by a bonfire pit. Go figure.

They did have a good time. Our friend from SpaceWalk came out and did some temporary tattoos. I had the shed all cleaned out and lights up, the stereo cranked up. There was even a fog machine and strobe lights. I have to say it was a very cool party.
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Just Trying To Get Into The Spirit...


Me and the little lady hanging out at the Lakeland Christmas Parade.

Well, needless to say it has been an eventful week. There have been twelve hour work days, school chorus Christmas Concerts, school band Winter Concerts, truck crashes......WHAT???

Yes, truck crashes. Seems as though Mr. Jeremy didn't like the paint on his truck, so he decided to have it side swiped by a big FWD truck. Thankfully of course, everyone was ok. Just some soreness. So, as of right now, I just don't know if the insurance company is going to total the truck or not. I have a feeling they might. In any case, we might be seeing the little Ranger for the last time. Hey, I can't say too much, because I've torn up some vehicles a few times in my day...and survived. LOL

Still trying to get ready for the Holidays. We have hardly done any Christmas shopping, so the plan is this weekend to get busy and git-r-done.

I'm off this week so keep checking back for more. CYA.
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Some 'ol Day's At The 'Vaco


Somehow, I managed to obtain this pic of me and Juan (a.k.a. "Two", or "JuanEl") from some old days at the Westvaco. I must have scoffed it up during the hostile takover of the plant a few years ago, before it all got thrown away...that is a whole 'nuther subject there......that I certainly wouldn't be able to talk about without using a ton of expletives. Dang it all. Actually, this picture makes me sad, because these were the "good" days.

Anyway, that's Juan on the left, and I'm the super-studly looking dude on the right, of course. And if you look behind me, there by a tank away's back, you can see Sam C. working on what appears to be an agitator.

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