Let's Get Ready To Rumble!

There's this new crispness in the air. Fall is here. (Not really, we're in Florida and it's freakin' 90 degrees still). But, somewhere...a bit farther north, the air is getting cooler. The leaves are changing. Football has already started, so you know it's close. Don't forget there are new episodes of House on tv, (and some new ones I really like, like Carpooling, and Cavemen... these flicks crack me up lol).

But how about LIGHTNING HOCKEY! Yep, they start tonight and looks like their going to be tough to beat. And, since I know you like 'em, you can click here for their 2007-2008 schedule, and maybe we can meet up at the Forum for a game or three this season. So, support your local hockey team, 'cause this is as close as we're going to get to fall. GO BOLTS!


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