The Machine That Gives Life

This machine is the next best creation (other than FREON). If it weren't for this coffee maker, I'd be dead. Really. It's like having a Starbucks at home. It's a therapeutic life line. This is a Keurig - it makes one cup at time. And you can even get all kinds of flavors. My favs are the Timothy's Kona and the new Jet Fuel! OH YEAH!!! That's what I'm talkin' about. Anyone that works shift work, THIS THING IS A MUST.

As you can see by the pictures, I'm just getting my first cup after a week long on nights, and I'm totally out of it. LOL


  • I don't even know where to begin with one a the fellas having some type of foo foo coffee machine.

    What kind of man are you??

    (ps - where did you get it at) I like caramel mocha. ;-)

  • Oh, a comedian! Are you crazy? I don't care for all that panty waist, girlie foofoo crap! BLAH! Just give me the mud in a pot with all the dirt in the bottom! Yeah buddy.

    (You can get the machine at Bed, Bath& Beyond or at Kohls. And they even have hazelnut, hot cocoa and stuff like that.....)
    I'm just sayin...

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